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CAE Rise™
Data Analytics

The importance of data collection and usage
The collection of data and the ability to analyze it is becoming fundamental as the industry is moving towards Competency Based Training and adaptive learning.
The objectives of data usage are:
Improving the learning experience for crew
Equipping instructors with the best tools to assist them in their functions
Providing training managers with the right insights to enhance their decision making
Improving operational safety across the industry
Metrics-based insights

CAE Rise™ automatically detects and assesses predefined training events. Pilot performance metrics-based insights (MBI), are made available in real-time to instructors throughout the training environment. The metrics are derived from a CAE proprietary cloud-based application using simulator flight data.


MBIs cover a set of core training events defined in the primary flight phases. The events have flight parameter triggers configured in CAE Rise™ that vary in their severity to provide baseline information for exceedances. MBIs look for crew performance deviations from flight manual limits, Standard Operating Procedures and sound airmanship.

Instructors can benefit from training event details available in real-time

Such as:

  • Reference conditions and active malfunctions
  • Tracking SOP adherence
  • Severity metrics to show flight path deviations and exceedances
Data analytics services
The data analytics services provide training intelligence that enables effective data-driven decision making to elevate training standards and mitigate safety risks in an operational setting.

Dashboards present training program analysis covering demographic trends to help discover useful information, suggest conclusions and support enhanced decision making.

More specifically, CAE Rise™ analytics services can help you improve pilot / cadet hiring, enhance your Safety Management Systems, and refine your training programs content to better fit pilots’ needs.

Data analytics services
How does it work?
Simulator and grading data are collected and analyzed by the CAE Rise™ Training System. It is then sent to the operator database and published on customisable dashboards through the user-controlled CAE Web Portal.
Key features Key features
Key features
  • Accessible from any location
  • Device agnostic
  • Near real-time data updates
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • Data privacy tailored to client needs
  • Data security and user access control
Overview Report

Get a quick look at your pilot pool’s performance including overall grade distribution, below standard grades and flagged competencies by task.

Training Performance Reports

Training Performance Reports provide an analysis of telemetry data and instructor grading for a whole range of maneuvers over a set timeframe. They allow to explore causal factors for below standard performance, as well as pilot response time, common deviations and instructor comments.

EBT Reports

Benefit from a whole range of EBT reports allowing you to follow grading trends over time and segment data based on pilot experience and rank.