CAE Healthcare is collaborating with Area9 Lyceum, a global leader in adaptive learning, to provide clinicians with an online COVID-19 Ventilator Reskilling course. With modules covering basics in respiratory physiology, mechanical ventilation and goals of COVID-19 care, the course is being provided free of charge during the month of April.

“Clinical providers across specialities are being called to hospitals to provide care for COVID-19 patients, and they are seeking practical training and knowledge,” said Rekha Ranganathan, President of CAE Healthcare. “With the Area9 Lyceum adaptive learning platform, we can efficiently train clinicians with varied levels of exposure to ventilator management to achieve the required competencies for effective care.”

“The need for COVID-19 education of health care providers is explosive. We have seen this manifested clearly the past three weeks where more than 65,000 laboratory professionals have been certified on the COVID-19 course developed by Area9 Lyceum and leading laboratory professionals,” said Dr. Ulrik Juul Christensen (MD), Executive Chairman of Area9 Lyceum. The courses are freely available at

Since its release on April 2, 2020, more than 1,325 clinicians around the world have registered for the COVID-19 Ventilator Reskilling Course. For more information, visit

Throughout April, CAE Healthcare is also offering complimentary webinars and its COVID-19 Simulated Clinical Experience (SCE) to help caregivers practice personal safety procedures and patient assessment. CAE Healthcare and UK-based iRIS Health Solutions have shared the COVID-19 SCE free of charge to the global iRIS community across 40 countries and translated it into 7 additional languages. iRIS is a healthcare training authoring and sharing platform with more than 6,000 user licenses worldwide.

CAE was selected by the Canadian government to design and manufacture 10,000 ventilators over three months to support the COVID-19 crisis. CAE Healthcare is also developing a Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) COVID-19 training suite of products, and a simulation-based Pathogens of High Consequence course for release in the coming weeks. For more information, visit

About Area9 Lyceum

Area9 Lyceum builds 21st century skills and competencies through the world’s first four-dimensional learning platform, Area9  Rhapsode™. Based on more than 20 years of research into human factors and cognition, our AI-based platform delivers truly personalized learning at scale – cutting training time in half, guaranteeing proficiency, and making lasting impacts on careers and business outcomes. For more information, visit

About CAE Healthcare

CAE Healthcare offers integrated education and training solutions to healthcare students and clinical professionals across the professional life cycle, allowing them to develop practical experience in simulated environments before treating patients. CAE Healthcare's full spectrum of simulation solutions includes surgical and imaging simulation, curriculum, the CAE LearningSpace audiovisual and center management platform and highly realistic adult, pediatric and baby patient simulators. Today, hospitals, medical schools, nursing schools, defense forces and societies in more than 80 countries use our training solutions to make healthcare safer.

About CAE

CAE is a global leader in training for the civil aviation, defense and security, and healthcare markets. Backed by a record of more than 70 years of industry firsts, we continue to help define global training standards with our innovative virtual-to-live training solutions to make flying safer, maintain defense force readiness and enhance patient safety. We have the broadest global presence in the industry, with over 10,500 employees, 160 sites and training locations in over 35 countries. Each year, we train more than 220,000 civil and defense crewmembers, including more than 135,000 pilots, and thousands of healthcare professionals worldwide.

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Hélène V. Gagnon
Chief Sustainability Officer and Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement
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Andrew Arnovitz
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